If you switch from mac to pc do you have to buy wow again
If you switch from mac to pc do you have to buy wow again

if you switch from mac to pc do you have to buy wow again

Asking for a new MacBook was a humbling experience, and the Mac devotees I work with just smiled when they heard those words coming from a PC fan. However, when my old PC really started slowing down and developed a rather annoying green vertical line down the center of the screen, I decided it was time to take the plunge. I was always “too busy” and had too many projects on my plate… there wasn’t time to learn an entirely new computer AND get my work done!

if you switch from mac to pc do you have to buy wow again

I was just quite comfortable with my PC, and I had myself convinced that the learning curve was going to be a pretty high mountain to climb. Since starting at Launch over 2 years ago, I’ve felt a “little” pressure to make the switch to a Mac. Working in a digital marketing agency, I am surrounded by Mac users-to say that the number of Macs outweighs the number of PCs in the office is an understatement.

If you switch from mac to pc do you have to buy wow again